26 November 2015
Maritzburg United recently embarked on a tour of the Capital City of KZN, Pietermaritzburg, which is home to the Team of Choice.

Of even more significance, is the partnership between the club and the Municipality, with the club receiving financial and infrastructural support from Council. This relationship which is in its second season already, is of mutual benefit to both parties as the presence of MUFC in the City of Choice, benefits the local community through Local Economic Development opportunities created by the presence of the club, promotes social cohesion and adds value to the people’s social life.
Pietermaritzburg is a City with a lot of heritage and historically significant events that took place there. The names of Moses Mabhida, Harry Gwala, Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Alan Paton, King DiniZulu, and many others, are all significantly associated with this Victorian City. Therefore the reason for MUFC players to know and understand Maritzburg, is a critical excersize for the City and the players themselves.
“It doesn’t make sense to spend seasons playing football in a city like Maritzburg, and still leave ignorant of its heritage and historical significance,” said Brian Zuma, the Manager for Marketing and Communications for the club. “Information and education for the players is very important in shaping them as social beings, but also when they leave the City at some point, they can then be ambassadors of the City wherever they go," concluded Zuma.
The players were first taken to the Tourism Hub where they were given a presentation on the City by the Director of PMB Msunduzi Tourism Association, Dumisani Mhlongo.
They then visited the Mandela Capture Site (Where the Mandela Marathon ends, a site of his capture in 1962), The Manaye Hall (where the Mandela Marathon starts, and the hall where Mandela made an unexpected appearance to make what was his last public speech before being arrested), the Heroes Acre (where Moses Mabhida is laid to rest and reserved for burial of struggle heroes), the Peace Monument (a symbol of peace after the war between the ANC and IFP in the 90’s, and finally a bit of township experience with a visit to 033 Lifestyle, which is a social hangout.
